WSU Art Museum: Lexi Day

Excerpt from the comic Apocalypse Dad by  Taylor Dow

When we went to the WSU Art Museum I gravitated toward the comic books on the table. In a previous DTC 201 class I was able to hold and flip through those same comics, so I recognized their names and art style. The one that stood out to me last time and this time around was the comic “Apocalypse Dad” by Taylor Dow. It always made me wonder if the dad would find his family, or if the comic was just about him wandering, lost and alone. I liked the thin and simple font, because it looked very “homemade” and not over processed, like from a computer program. It made the comic feel just that more authentic. Upon take a quick look through it, the font seems to flow around the artistry, as the character yells into the world and travels his way around. The letters are uneven, but that follows the theme of the comic. They are uneven because it signifies the struggle of the main character.

After looking around at all of the different art and fonts incorporated while at the WSU Art Museum, I feel that I have somewhat of a better grasp of what I want to do for my project. I was originally opposed to thin letters, but I can now see that they can be helpful in looking more modern, and also appearing more minimalistic. They comic also showed me that it’s okay to have your letters be a bit shaky. I was originally worried that my letters wouldn’t be as “uniform and straight” as I had originally planned, and now I feel that if everything follows a general theme, then I can still come up with a solid font that incorporates everything I need it to.

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